80L Military Tactical Backpack Rucksack Hiking Camping Outdoor Trekking Army Bag
Preparing for an adventure far far away! Take our Military Backpack with you. A product designed to support your journey from start till the end. When you embark on a long journey such as camping or hiking, there is a bunch of essential stuff you need to carry along. Things including clothes, med-kits, cookery essentials, and many more. You cannot carry all of these in separate bags, to solve this issue of space and convenience we have designed a backpack that is very easy to carry and provides ample space inside to store all the essential stuff. Designed to be exceptionally comfortable, a special breathable mesh layer is provided within. Provided with an adjustable shoulder strap, eases the pain on your shoulder effectively. To make it more convenient a unique hip and side buckle is provided. It lets you choose the comfort level. Provides you total freedom when it comes to adjustments.
Made from high-quality oxford waterproof fabric. Designed to be tough and strong to support you in all your journey. Built with exceptional stitching to withstand wear and tear effects. High-density nylon ensures quality and comfortability. If it starts raining do not worry it is waterproof in nature. It can withstand extreme weather conditions. A large compartment size can store all your essential stuff in one place. Organize all your essential things with its unique divider system. When you are done for the day and decide to take a rest easily hang it with its innovative hook and loop strap hang system.
Designed to ease trouble on your adventure. Seamless integration of quality and practicality. Great support all the way. Hurry up, grab one now!
Key features
- 80L Large capacity
- Multi-compartment
- Unique divider system
- Various hanging loop
- Breathable mesh
- Waterproof fabric
- Adjustable shoulder strap
- Hip and side buckle strap
- Reinforced seam
- Organized and accessible
Material: Oxford fabric
Capacity: 80L
Dimension: 40cm x 30cm x 75cm
Colour: Army green
PACKAGE CONTENTS- 1x Military Backpack
Related Collections:
Hiking Backpacks,
New Arrivals
Estimated delivery time frames:
- VIC 3 - 5 business days
- NSW, SA, ACT 4 - 8 business days
- QLD, NT, WA and TAS 7 - 10 business days
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- 12-month warranty
Payday Deals generally offers a 12-month warranty on all products, unless stated otherwise. Some products will be provided with extended warranty for your peace of mind.
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